+41 21 791 18 08career@jobtogether.com

Our Process

It all starts with you!

Everything starts with a phone call or an e-mail. We will offer you either to meet with us or to test our services by sending us descriptions of your open positions.

Profile definition

We work on the basis of the information and requirements you send to us. The quality of information and close collaboration are essential for a successful recruitment.

Our profile search

We conduct a search for candidates through our network and in our personal database already well established (composed of candidates actively or passivly job hunting). We will inform you on a regular basis the status of our search efforts.

Presentation of candidates

We present only those profiles of interest which corresponds to your request and requirements either by phone, email or through our private web-space.

Monitoring of the recruitment

Trust is an essential element we maintain with our candidates as well as with you. This is the reason that drives us to request feedback from you on the nominee within 20 working days.